Since snoring is such a common issue, it’s not atypical for individuals to overlook it, entirely. However, others may see their snoring as more of a problem and seek to correct it. Simply put, a snore guard is a mouthpiece intended to help you stop snoring. Not every snore guard will be effective for every individual. However, in general, snore guards are an effective way to dramatically reduce the likelihood of snoring.
That being said, how does a snore-guard mouthpiece actually prevent snoring? In addition, what advantages can an individual receive, through using a snore guard and stopping themselves from snoring every night?
What Is Snoring, and What Causes It?
Generally speaking, snoring is actually pretty simple. When someone snores, you hear the sound of turbulence and resistance in that person’s upper airway. Although many individuals are under the impression that snoring comes from the nose, this is not the case.
Dor the most part, snoring is not being triggered by clogging in the nose. Snores actually come from the back of the person’s airway. Muscles in the back of the throat relax, blocking the airway. These muscles help to support structures like the tongue, uvula, soft palate, and tonsils. If they become restricted as an individual sleeps, then snoring will be the outcome.
Snoring Is a Symptom of Sleep Apnea
As it turns out, snoring isn’t always completely innocuous. Sometimes, snoring will occur as a symptom of sleep apnea, a sleep-breathing disorder.
When an individual has sleep apnea, they will periodically experience pauses in their breathing as they sleep. Naturally, this can be dangerous if the condition isn’t properly managed. These pauses in breathing can occur for over ten seconds, and due to the decrease in blood oxygen, the person’s brain will wake up. This is what leads to the loud snort or gasping sound that’s generally associated with sleep apnea.
CPAP as a Treatment for Sleep Apnea
If you or a loved one has ever had experience with sleep apnea, then you are probably already familiar with CPAP machines. This is the most commonly used treatment for sleep apnea because many insurance will cover it. However, CPAP comes with a host of potential issues. For instance, some individuals find that they can’t stay asleep when they’re using a CPAP machine. Plus, CPAP can increase the prevalence of dry mouth, putting the user at risk of developing cavities.
What is a Snore Guard Mouthpiece?

Again, snore guards are intended to help a person stop snoring as they sleep. These devices are shaped so that they can be fitted to the upper dental arch. This will stop the jaw from receding. The tongue will then search for an opening between the guard’s upper and lower portions. This will allow the throat’s air passage to remain open, as long as the snore guard is in place.
Snore guards such as The Moses® and the ProSomnus Sleep and Snore Device are fantastic alternatives to CPAP. These devices are far more comfortable than CPAP machines, and they don’t come with the risk of cavities. The Moses®, in particular, is a great option for side sleepers, since it’s open in the front. Most other snore guards are closed, which isn’t preferable. You can even get a drink of water without needing to remove your The Moses® snore guard mouthpiece. The ProSomnus® Sleep and Snore Device can be made by scans of the mouth with a camera rather than impressions.

What Is the Process Like If I Want a Snore Guard Mouthpiece?
Before receiving a snore guard, you will first need to come into the Mid Cities Dental office. This will allow us to take impressions of your mouth, which will then be sent to the laboratory that will fabricate your very own snore guard. It is important that your guard is custom-created to fit your mouth. That way it will be both effective and comfortable.
Once we receive the snore guard, you can return to our office for a fitting. We will make sure your snore guard is fitted and comfortable to wear.
Do you snore, and feel that a snore guard mouthpiece might be the best option for you?
We offer Free consultations if you are interested in any of these devices.
Make sure to contact us to schedule an appointment.