Flossing is an important part of daily oral hygiene. Why? Because it removes plaque and bacteria from between the teeth and near the gumline. Be sure to floss before you brush your teeth. This is the best way to remove food particles stuck between your teeth and to clear the way for toothpaste to do its job.
Do your best to reach all the parts of the teeth when you brush them. Make sure to pay extra attention to the back rows and the inner row of the teeth. Don’t forget to brush your tongue! If you brush your tongue, this also prevents bad breath and the bacteria that create it.
Brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day ensures that plaque does not build up on your teeth. Therefore it prevents bad breath and bacteria that create it, as well as prevents cavities, tooth decay, and gingivitis too.
What Type of Floss Is Best?
Many of you may be wondering what kind of floss should be used. There are many kinds and alternatives one can use as well. A few of these include:
Waxed or Unwaxed dental floss is the standard used by many. Its surface helps get between the teeth and near the gumline smoothly while helping grab food particles, making it easier to remove. Research suggests the difference between the two is so minimal that both are acceptable when it comes to plaque removal. When deciding between waxed or unwaxed, try both. It’s simply up to the preference of the user to decide which one works best for them.
Dental Tape
A great alternative to traditional floss is dental tape. It is especially great for those with more space between their teeth. The tape has a wider design that helps fit with a better grip between the teeth.
Pre-Threaded Flossers
Pre-Threaded Flossers are a convenient alternative to using traditional floss on the go. These are great for when you are in your car, at the office, or for spot treating after a meal.
Water Flossers
Water Flossers use a pressurized electrical system that targets your gum line through the use of a fine stream of water. They have quickly become a favorite alternative to traditional floss. They are easy to use. Also, they’re good at removing the bacteria that live around the gum line and cause gum disease.
Powered Air Flossers
Air Flossers are new and trendy for a reason. They really work and may be an answer for those who struggle with traditional floss. Air Flossers are exceptional at removing plaque between tighter-spaced teeth.
Wooden/Plastic Toothpicks
Toothpicks are an alternative to flossing that has withstood the test of time. Why? Because they work well at removing food stuck in your teeth. Wooden toothpicks are great for wider gaps in the teeth, whereas plastic toothpicks are an efficient and flexible tool for dislodging particles of food from tighter spaces. Circular wooden toothpicks have minimal effect on removing plaque but can help remove food debris between your teeth.
Tiny Flossing Brushes (Proxy Brushes)
Proxy Brushes also called tiny flossing brushes, are good at removing food from the gum line. Therefore they are good at removing the bacteria that live in these tight spaces. Also, these are also fantastic for people with braces or other orthodontic equipment which can make traditional flossing harder. They are made in different sizes to account for your own personal oral conditions.
What Can Substitute for Flossing?
You can use any of the above options rather than traditional floss to keep periodontal disease away. You may have to try a combination of one or two of these before finding the one that best suits your needs in between your dental appointments. Talk with the experts at Mid Cities Dental about exploring safe alternatives to traditional flossing.
Mention this article and we will give you a FREE proxy brush during your hygiene visit to help you have a clean mouth and a beautiful smile. We appreciate you being a part of our dental family!